Seems there is a new discovery in the garden everyday now. I like to take my camera when I feed the horses in the morning, then have a little walk around our property to see what's new. Today's new arrival? Wild strawberries....walk with me.
Found this sad little egg in the middle of the pasture. Wonder who stole it and dropped it there...
My dianthus border is in bloom.
Hundreds of blooms on the Knockout rose. |
Irises of all sorts are blooming now.
Found this nest at the edge of the pasture, and yes, I did climb up on the top fence rail to get a pic, and yes, the branch I was holding onto broke, and yes, I fell, but no harm done, and looking at the pics I realized that I accidentally hit the video button. There's some pretty hilarious footage of my bare leg and muck boot flailing around, and no, I won't be sharing it! Don't beg! It's unbecoming. |
What's new in the great outdoors at your place?
That first picture is of potentilla indica or snake berries. A common poisonous plant that looks almost exactly like a wild strawberry. Even the leaves.