Life, art, and nature on Maryland's Eastern Shore.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

It's Blog Hop Day!

Welcome to the "Spreading Our Wings" blog hop. Participants completed the Kelly Rae Roberts e-course, "Flying Lessons" over the summer, and have continued to support and encourage one another through a private Facebook group. Each participating artist has created a post inspired by the course or the group. We are all posting today and including a blog roll of participating artists, so that we may visit and comment on each others postings. Sounds like fun, right?
So, without further ado...

My piece is a thank-you to Kelly Rae without whose advice to "just make a start," I would not be five weeks into my blog already (I know!). And also a great big thank-you to the Flying Lessons Facebook group who welcomed me with open arms when I finally got the courage to participate, and offered some really helpful and encouraging words about the blog.

Don't stop now. Keep hopping!

If you like what you see, don’t forget to subscribe, like and follow us!!!
Amaranthine Violet:
Beatriz Peñas B.:
Beth Cougler Blom:
Cindy Jones Lantier:
Hillary Courson:
Jennifer DeVille:
Julie Hamilton:
Kari DeSaulnier:
Kris Lanae Binsfeld:
Liza Zeni Baker:
Rain Hannah:
Stacey Chadwick
Teresa Cash-Czech:

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