Life, art, and nature on Maryland's Eastern Shore.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Real winter is here with a vengeance. We don't normally have too many winter days when the daytime temperature stays below freezing. We are having them now. My coveralls are on, the heated buckets and trough heater are working in the barn and this morning we awoke to a dusting of snow.
Barn chores keep me busier when it's in the teens. Manure freezes and is harder to pick up. The horses need to stay blanketed and given hay more often. They don't like to drink extremely cold water, so I need to keep the heated buckets filled. Colic is always a worry when they don't drink enough. Zoey entertains herself by pooping in her bucket. It's hanging on the wall, so it requires some extra effort. I know she does it to annoy me. Yesterday morning, I opened her stall door and noticed that her tail was frozen solid. It actually had icicles hanging from it. I couldn't understand it until I saw her bucket. Rude pony!
Today's snow was just a dusting, but it is little Scout's first and she went crazypants when she saw it. More snow is predicted for the weekend. She'll lose her mind!
Let's look at some pictures of this icy winter business...

Black-eyed Susan

Marsh ice.
Incredible how a bit of snow makes everything look fresh and clean. I know the mud will return next week, daytime highs in the 50's are predicted. For now, I'm crossing my fingers for the weekend snow.
Stay warm. XO.

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