Life, art, and nature on Maryland's Eastern Shore.
Showing posts with label dragonflies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dragonflies. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


After a fun, but hectic weekend of 40th high school reunion festivities, I knew just what I needed. Took myself off to my beloved Blackwater yesterday, where it was beautifully buggy and blissfully quiet. 
So grateful for this peaceful place, where the only sounds on a hot summer afternoon are the hum and flutter of thousands of tiny cellophane wings.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


We had a thunder moon last night. I went down to the river with my camera and waited...
And waited. He barely showed himself, hiding behind the clouds that were supposed to bring thunderstorms and welcome relief from the heat. The storms were a no-show,as well.
Bah!! Let's do some more dragonflies, shall we? Watercolor this time, not fabric. I'm in a painting mood, or maybe, my paint table is tidier than my work table. When the available workspace on my sewing table has shrunk to the size of a postage stamp, then paint it is!
From this photo...
Edited to this...
Used Micron pen and watercolor to make this...
Then scanned and edited again to make this...

The possibilities are endless. 
What are you working on?

Friday, July 19, 2013


Another week of summer has flown, and I am not sorry to see the back of this one, because oh baby, the dog days are here. 
How much do you love this face? Drove over to the Western Shore on Saturday for a get-together of Mike's fraternity brothers, and met Frodo, an Irish terrier. Had a great time catching up with old friends, and photographing our host's beautiful gardens.
Hollyhock and friend.
Stayed over so we could visit Harper's Ferry and Antietem on Sunday.
The view from Bloody Trail, at Antietem.
Fortunately, you can do a self-guided auto tour of the battlefield, because it was much too hot for hiking, and it has gotten hotter and muggier every day since.
Back home, I've been very busy helping our girl with the "secret" project. Here's another hint...
Abby graciously agreed to let us use her wash-stall as a dye room, though I won't say she was entirely happy about it...
Spending a lot of time, keeping Abby showered and as comfortable as possible in this awful heat.
Except for horse care, I try to do all my outside chores early in the morning or late in the evening. It's only slightly cooler then, and the mosquitoes are horrible, but what can you do?
Picked my tomato crop this morning. Don't laugh. I don't think the local farmers need fear the competition.
And yes, this is the whole crop. Won't break out the canning jars just yet.
 Because of all the mosquitoes, we still have lots of dragonflies, and I am still obsessed with photographing them. Here's my fave from this morning...

My fave from yesterday had this lovely pinkish tone from the bricks in the background. 
It inspired this...
Well, that's us all caught up. One more day of this stinking weather, then tomorrow, at some point, the storms roll in and by Sunday the temperatures will drop. A little. Or so they say. 
Stay cool, blog friends. XO.

Friday, June 28, 2013


Our butterfly bush bloomed this week and there is quite a bit of activity. I've been outside surveying our greenery a lot in the past few days, having read that beetles send scouts out in advance of the troops. These scouts determine who has the best "all you can eat" buffet and alert the masses. It is, apparently, vital to nip this in the bud by not allowing these leaf-munching spies an opportunity to return to home base. Last year, by the 4th of July, we could literally hear them chewing whenever we opened the door after dark. Anyway, all this beetle surveillance has given me plenty of opportunity to photograph butterflies, and dragonflies, and whatnot. I'm a little obsessed. Ask anyone on Facebook.
Let's take a peek...
Love the colors in this shot.
This greenie has been flitting around the side door all day.
Nice try, Mr. Green Jeans, but I can still see you.
Nice camo here, as well, but I vote for the "spotted wings in the mulch" guy.
Best camo.

I've noticed so many torn and tattered wings. Doesn't seem to affect their flight. Or their beauty.
I've also learned that butterflies will squabble over the best blossoms.
That was a random sampling of what's buzzing around our place, but I've saved the best for last. Could be he's my favorite because of the way his wings sparkle in the sunlight, might be his shiny turquoise head that looks like a little helmet, but mostly it's because he winked at me. I'm pretty sure.  
It's a wonderful world. XO

Monday, June 10, 2013


Our girl bought a bike. We picked it up on Saturday, in the pouring rain, then waited impatiently for the remnants of tropical storm Andrea to move on. Then we rode. And rode. On Sunday, we rode some more.
Take a look...
I'm a little dragonfly obsessed at the moment. This amputee didn't appear hindered by his disability.
Of course we rode through Blackwater. This bald eagle surprised us by landing in a tree right next to the road.
Trying to photograph turtles on a log is so maddening. There were seven when I raised my camera. Four slipped into the water before I could focus. Happens every time.
Added to my window/door collection.
Quite a few of the back roads looked like this. We pedaled through, even though there were SNAKES. Our socks and shoes got soaked, but we felt very adventurous, and squelched our way into Layton's Winery at the end, rewarding ourselves with wine slushies.
Sweet Goldenrod. I think.
I love country roads in summer. So much fun, cruising along with my camera. I usually bring up the rear, as I brake for ladybugs, and dragonflies, and wildflowers, and such. I can though, be quite speedy when I see a snake. Also, swerve-y and scream-y.
Now the rain is back, so no country roads today, but I have my pics, and I'm itching to start a project with that little honeysuckle door.
Have a great week, blog friends. XO